by | | Worker’s Compensation
In most cases, workers’ compensation benefits aren’t viewed as income. Because of this, they are not taxed. While the benefits you receive must be reported on your 1040, based on workers’ compensation law, they will be subtracted from the injured worker’s total...
by | | Worker’s Compensation
Workplace injuries are more common than some people realize. Unfortunately, most work-related injuries that occur are preventable. While this is true, there were still over 2.6 million workplace injuries across the U.S. in 2020, with 4,764 being fatal. ...
by | | Alvine Law, Worker’s Compensation
Workers’ compensation, often known as workman’s comp, is an insurance policy that offers health and financial compensation for employees due to work-based injuries. The program shields the company from legal action while also guaranteeing that injured employees...
by | | Alvine Law, Worker’s Compensation
If your compensation claim has ever been denied, you should know that you don’t have to accept it and do nothing about it. While the Worker’s Compensation system is a bit complex, making an appeal about this decision is within your rights. You deserve to know if your...
by | | Alvine Law, Worker’s Compensation
Workers’ compensation insurance is an insurance coverage paid by employers, which covers their employees if they suffer any work-related illness or injury. It helps to cover medical costs, and salary/wages lost in the time. But workers’ compensation differs by state....
by | | Alvine Law, Worker’s Compensation
Workplace accidents leave injury victims in a terrible position. Not only are you trying to recover, but you’re also missing time (and money) from work. You’re probably scared and unsure of your legal rights as well. Traumatic injuries are expensive to treat,...