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When to Hire a Trust lawyer

Alvine Law, Litigation, Trust and Estate Disputes

Nobody likes to think about what will happen after they leave this world. But when you have dependents and loved ones, it is not something you can afford to neglect. The estate and trust planning process lets you determine how your estate will handle things after you’re gone or become medically incapacitated. In this blog post, we will determine when you should hire a trust lawyer.

When Should You Hire a Trust Lawyer?

If you are stuck in a complicated situation and have a large estate, hiring a trust lawyer can help you handle the complex issues and sort out any concerns. 

If any of the situations mentioned below apply to you, you should consider hiring a trust lawyer:

  • If you wish to include certain conditions like when and how the beneficiaries should receive the assets
  • You require advice about trust funding
  • You have a child with special needs
  • Your net worth is close to the estate tax exemption

Other Situations


Some people have the nerve to cross lines for money by forging fake signatures. Forgery is a crime and has legal repercussions that may require the need for an attorney. 

Another Beneficiary Is Challenging the Trust

Family disputes over trust can get downright ugly. Even if you don’t have a direct connection to the dispute, you could still be dragged into it; therefore, it is best to hire a trust attorney for support.

Fraud, Coercion, or Under Influence

If you have been forced or tricked into signing the estate planning documents, a trust lawyer can help you out. These situations can lead to criminal charges, which is why it is best to get expert advice from a qualified attorney.

Mental Issues

You should consider hiring a lawyer if the decedent amended the trust or the will at a time when they were not in the mental state to do so. 

What Does a Trust Attorney Do?

Your trust lawyer will set up a trust on your behalf. There are different categories of trust, but it all comes down to the same basic principle: it is an account managed by an organization or a person while keeping the beneficiary’s best interest. 

A trust lawyer will guide you through the process regarding executing, setting up, and maintaining a trust, among other estate planning requirements. An experienced attorney will walk you through the laws of the state, establish a trust, and assess your goals to strike a perfect balance between the law and your personal needs. 


Planning for your loved ones to be taken care of in your absence is an extremely overwhelming process. A trust lawyer can help ease the process and ensure that your estate is executed according to your wishes.

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